The use of Lms Potentialized by the Integration of Customizable Tools: The Development of Building Blocks


  • Érico Galdino Almeida Senac São Paulo
  • Silvia Fernanda Corrêa Senac São Paulo
  • Teresa Cristina Jordão



Virtual learning environment, LMS, Building Blocks, learning objects, reusability


This article intends to explore the use of LMS as learning environment in distance activities, presenting beneficial and limiting aspects in the teaching and learning process. It also presents a proposal to potentialize the use of virtual environments enhancing their functionality: the development of Building Blocks. To illustrate such proposal it presents a few cases developed by Senac São Paulo.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Galdino Almeida, Érico, Corrêa, S. F., & Jordão, T. C. (2008). The use of Lms Potentialized by the Integration of Customizable Tools: The Development of Building Blocks. Revista Brasileira De Aprendizagem Aberta E a Distância, 5.


