Quality, enhancement and on-line distance education courses and programmes


  • Peter Knight The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK.




complex learning outcomes, course design, e-learning, pedagogy, quality enhancement, partnerships


As quality assurance systems become embedded, competitive institutions are seeing their futures in quality enhancement, in a continued commitment to improvement. This paper discusses quality signals that may be used to enhance course quality in on-line distance education. Analysis proceeds under five headings: pedagogies; promoting complex achievements; changing concepts of quality; designs for re-use; and new partnerships. Recurrent themes are: A rich and differentiated view of learning leads to a rich and differentiated view of quality; Quality courses are associated with the quality of affordances for learning; Conceptions of quality have been changing; e-learning is creating new conceptions of quality; Quality in higher education practice in a decade’s time is likely to be different again. Universities that cling to established views will be at risk from their global commercial competitors.


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Como Citar

Knight, P. (2008). Quality, enhancement and on-line distance education courses and programmes. Revista Brasileira De Aprendizagem Aberta E a Distância, 5. https://doi.org/10.17143/rbaad.v5i0.180


