
  • Letícia Pinto Figueiredo Universidade Santa Cecília
  • Gabriel Vinicius Hurtado Universidade Santa Cecília
  • Gilberto Augusto Thomaz de Aquino Holms Universidade Santa Cecília
  • Dorotéa vilanova Garcia Universidade Santa Cecília



Education, Software-educational, Methodology, interdisciplinarity, written comprehension


The Gibrincar Project presents a new purpose on the teaching and learning process, linking technology with the educational methodologies in a graphic environment estimulating the learning. In order to get this, we explore the reading process searching for the written comprehension. With this target achieved, we begin the building of a comics which tells us the read and interpreted text after that, we have the story printed and finally the students can be able to explore the entertainment games linked to the context. The relevant point of the project is the interaction man and machine, reached mainly with the comics creation. Where it is available a set of images for the picture edition, reaching the acquired knowledge in the previous read text. All this scenario was developed using the Visual Basic program language interlinked with the Flash platform inside a managing scope to the object. Visual Basic allowed the creation of routines to most different resources and the Flash contributed to a graphic presentation in order to execute determined logical administrations. The first purpose of Gibrincar is supported on characters of Brazil history, however it can be portable to any other subject at which fits this purpose. Through this dynamic, we have condition to visualize a new scenario in the learningteaching process, providing the sedimentation of the student learning in a computerization environment so that the students are attracted to this kind of technology absolutely indischargeable nowadays.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Figueiredo, L. P., Hurtado, G. V., Thomaz de Aquino Holms, G. A., & Garcia, D. vilanova. (2008). GIBRINCAR. Revista Brasileira De Aprendizagem Aberta E a Distância, 5.


