Arkansas Statewide Interactive Video Service: Education as an Anchor Tenant
This case study is intended to document the development of the multipurpose statewide enterprise network in the state of Arkansas. Although this case study will provide an overview of all aspects and partners involved in this development, the paper will predominantly focus on primary education in Arkansas as an anchor tenant. Primary education in Arkansas is of particular importance to the development of the current statewide interactive video network. The case study will accomplish this in four major sections: History of the state of Arkansas Enterprise Network, History of the state of Arkansas Video Network, Developing Education as a Telecommunications Anchor, and Developing Education as an Application Anchor. This initial case study is qualitative in nature and will hopefully serve as the basis for further detailed and in-depth quantitative research.Downloads
Arknet. University of Arkansas, 2002
Metcalfe, Bob. InfoWorld, Vol. 16 Issue 5 December 26, 1994 /, January 2, 1995, From the Ether; Pg. 51
Cronin, F., E. Colleran, P. Herbert and S. Lewisky (1993).
Telecommunications and growth. Telecommunications Policy, 17
State of Arkansas, Department of Education and Department of Information Systems. Partners in Distance Education for Arkansas in 2006. July 2006
Garner, Lesley C.; Gallo, Michael A.. Journal of College Science Teaching, Mar/Apr2005, Vol. 34 Issue 5, Field Trips and their Effect on Student Achievement and Attitudes. p14-17.
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